Posted November 29, 2024Nov 29 Car Attributes PRO Plugin Car Attributes PRO Plugin is ultimate extension for Osclass Classifieds Script. It is specifically designed for Car Classifieds, to bring highly customizable vehicle related attributes & properties, but not just that…! Plugin can easily handle Real-Estate, Product or Jobs attributes.Advanced search box with attributes can be placed easily to home or search page and replace or enrich default search options.Complete Attributes Plugin for ClassifiedsPlugin consists of multiple configurable layers – components those impact how search widget, publish page and item detail looks like:Vehicle type – top level. For vehicle types – Car, Truck, Trailer, Construction, …; for general classifieds – Vehicles, Real Estate, Services, …Section – box for properties. Assigned to one or more types. Each type usually has more sections. Different sections – groupings can be created for search widget, publish and item detail page.Properties – lowest level element. Property is any parameter of vehicle or described item. Can be color, status, if item is new, make, … Properties are assigned to section and types. There are different property types – user defined, pre-defined (select), group, checkbox, …Make & model – exists as properties, but their values are managed separately, as models rollup to makes. Primary usage is just with car classifieds.Properties values – for pre-defined properties, values for each property are defined.Vehicle type can be used as “type” only in general classifieds sites. Type can group sections & properties from different classifieds areas – vehicles, real estate, jobs, products, services.Search boxOne of most important and cirtical plugin features is search box – widget.Search box is very customizable and it’s possible to define sections visible in widget by default or as buttons, restrict sections by types (different sections for different types), set section icons, properties in sections, headers etc.There are many options to customize search box and change it’s layout and visible elements by default, from simple, medium to complex.Supported input types are:Select box with one or multi select optionCheckbox with one or multi select optionSliderText input (also textarea for long text)Numberical input (decimal or integer)Search hook integrationCar Attributes PRO Plugin has solid implementation using Osclass built-in hooks. This includes search filters as well. Each property can be added/removed from search hook form.As this form could get crowdy, sections are not applied here, properties are shown based on vehicle type of property. It’s recommended to use just few attributes in search hook and instead, user “more filters button” to bring search widget into modal, or integrate search widget box directly into search page above search items.Powerful Custom Integrated Multi-Select BoxNew generation of select boxes has been integrated into plugin to enhance search capabilities and allow users to search exactly what they want.These boxes has following functionality:Multi-select or Single-selectRequired on publish pageRefine values list by typingSelect all or Deselect all values“Top section” for makesYou don’t like these and prefer HTML select boxes? Not a problem, you can change this in plugin configuration.Types, Makes and Models widgetsAttributes plugin also provides way to easily display types, makes or models in widget as a gallery with links.Range searchFor numerical properties it is possible to create range search in search widget and search page. This is also possible for pre-defined values (like year) where ID used for filtering is identifier/slug of selected value (not primary key) converted to integer/decimal.For range search there is also smart feature that does not allow to add non-sense interval (ie from 2023 to 2021). In such case plugin automatically clean selected value from opossite select box.Multilingual attributesPlugin provide multi language support and basically anything shown in front can be translated (except makes, models and some identifiers/slugs).Translations are available for vehicle types, sections, properties and property values. This includes names, descriptions, headers, help texts, value names etc. File Information Submitter master Submitted 11/29/2024 Category Plugins View File
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