Posted November 29, 2024Nov 29 Osclass Pay Payment Plugin Is it time to earn money with your classifieds!Let your customers promote their listings, buy credit packs, become exlcusive members on your site and much more. Plenty of gateways integrated will help you to get money anywhere in the world. Osclass Pay is ultimate payment solution for classified ad script Osclass with exclusive functions.New: payment gateway integratedUltimate Payment Solution for Classifieds PlatformsItem promotions: Publish fee, Image fee, Make Premium, Highlight, Move to Top, Republish (renew)User wallet: Credit packs, benefits for registration and sharing, affliate program (referrals)User groups: Create user groups and hierarchy, special benefits for members, subscriptions, restricted categories, free limits for group usersPayment Gateways: Paypal, Stripe, Skrill, Instamojo, PayUMoney, CCAvenue, PagSeguro, Bank Transfer and much more!As only payment plugin for osclass we bring you Stripe payments with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)Osclass Pay works with plenty of payment gateways. Following payment solutions are supported:Bank transferPayPalStripe (SCA - Strong Customer Authentication)SkrillAuthorize.netPayzaBlockchainBraintree2CheckoutPagSeguroPayUMoneyInstamojoCCAvenuePaystackWeAccept.coEuPlatesc.roPrzelewy24.plKomfortkasse.euYooKassa / YooMoney (originally Yandex Money) ( (detached extension of Osclass Pay plugin, can be downloaded on github, managed by ExpressPay team)MakeCommerce (by Maksekeskus)If you need payment solution not listed above, contact us for price of integration your payment gateway.Listings promotion featuresThere are 6 different ways of item promotions that users can pay for.Mark as Premium Allows to mark listing as premium and show listing in special blocks for premium listings, make them more visible in search or get special label of premium listing (depend on theme).Pay per PublishIn order to show listing to all users, it is required to pay Publish fee. When fee is not paid, item is not visible.For membership group users, it's possible to define free limits for active listings.HighlightAllows to highlight listings and make them more visible and attractive to other people. Plugin allows to setup background color for highlighted items (boxes in search) and define own css style for highlighted items.Pay to Show ImagesCharge your customers for showing pictures on your listings. It is well known that some categories simply require to post image, like when selling car, this function enables to hide images of listing until image fee is paid. Note that customer can upload pictures without any problem, those are just not shown and item behave like without pictures.Move to TopEnable customer to move listing to top of search. This functionality helps to fight with duplicate listings, instead of publishing copy of existing ad, customer can renew/move to top listing for fee.Republish / Renew ListingAllows to setup republish period and repeats of listing. When ad is republished, it behaves like newly published listing. Customer can set duration and repeat of republish. When republish fee is paid, listing is republished immediately and then after selected period multiple times.Custom settingsEach promotion allows to setup different price per category, disable promotion in particular categories and setup uplift/adjustment of price per country and region. As example you can setup Publish fee to be $2 in For Sale category, disable Publish fee in Vehicles category, increase price by 100% (to $4) in region California and reduce price by 50% (to $1) in region Alabama.For promotions Mark as Premium, Highlight item and Republish it is possible to setup also different duration and set different prices for them for each category. As example, you can setup Mark as Premium to be possible to purchase premium duration for 12 hours for $2, 1 day for $3.5 and 1 week for $5. Then in Republish promotion you can enable republish after 1 day and republish after 1 week only. It means settings are independent for each promotion.For promotions Republish/Renew listing you can setup also allowed repeats, so user can purchase i.e. 3 repeats or 10 repeats with duration of 3 days. This means listing will be republished for 10 times each after 3 days. It is possible to setup also repeating discount for republish so it is better deal to get more repeats.How to promote itemListings can be promoted in different ways.Admin can promote listing from oc-admin as well as from front, as promotion options are visible to admin and site admin can "Pay as admin".Non-logged in user can promote listing on publish page, when some promotions has been selected or there are some required promotions (Publish fee, Show image fee), user is redirected to item promotion page right after listing is published.Logged in user has same option as non-logged user, but can promote listing also from User Account > Promotion section. Multiple products can be placed into cart (promotions for different items, credit packs or membership) and checkout/paid with one click. Logged user can see payment history, use referral program, get credits for registration, get periodical credits or become member of some group. When logged user is browsing own listings, promotion options are shown as well.eCommerce - Multi-vendor marketplace - products purchase, item shoppingOsclass Pay Plugin allows to set specific users as sellers and these users can sell their items directly using plugin. Payment goes to site owner account and it's on owner to get commision from sale, send money to owner and follow order status. In case there is some problem with seller, admin can remove user from seller list and stop product selling.Read our blog about eCommerce features of this plugin: Multi-Vendor Classifieds Marketplace with Osclass Pay PluginAdd to CartUsers verified as sellers can make their listings to be in sale. Then customers can buy products directly using your osclass classifieds and do payment on your site.Stock ManagementAdmins and sellers can set available quantities for each product so if quantity is reached, product cannot be bought anymore. It's possible to show/hide available quantities as well to customers.Seller ListAdmin can define user as seller and add this user to list of verified sellers. Seller is responsible for delivering products to buyer. Admin can update order status and notify buyer with additional information. It's possible to enable selling to all users as well.Order StatusPlugin allows to set status for each order. Initially order is in status processing, where products are being prepared for shipping. Next status is shipped that means order is handled by carrier and beeing delivered to customer. As last status, completed means order has been delivered to buyer and is completed. Order can be cancelled as well, in that case all funds related to this order should be refunded to buyer account by seller.ShippingSellers can define one or more shipping options and allow customers to choose prefered way of tangible products delivery. File Information Submitter master Submitted 11/29/2024 Category Plugins View File
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