Posted November 29, 2024Nov 29 Delta Osclass Theme New fresh premium Osclass theme with light design, premium features, perfect user experience and massive footer. Delta theme has been precisely optimized for mobile devices and most popular languages, including RTL.Powerful classifieds themeDelta osclass theme has been built using light color tones and gradients, so it will fit to different kind of classifieds websites. Template has been also optimized for minimum size, scripts usage and maximum speed and performance.Delicate UX and UI created based on years of experience with classifiedsSeo optimizedPremium image gallery box design on listing pageFinest optimization for mobile devicesCustom modal box scriptSwipper library integration for image sliderListings list/grid with first 5 pictures previewAjax based search for best user experienceNavigation massive category box on home pageNext / previous listings & user profiles navigation buttonsRelated ads & Other user ads blocksUnique ad page mobile design, including fixed quick ad info boxNext-gen contact seller boxUnique fixed mobile top menuH1/H2/H3 tags structureAjax form submission16 pre-defined places for banners and adsensePre-integrated with most of OsclassPoint pluginsPremium image galleryTheme brings brand new image gallery to osclass classifieds with sliding thumbnails on right side. Similar design has already been used in Sigma theme, however in Delta theme, no matter how many images listing has, design will be perfect and if needed, scroll bars are generated.While sliding image listings, right side navigation with thumbnails is dynamical and slide together with main box.Home page category boxTheme brings very handy, dynamical and responsive category selector into home page search bar, where visitor can easily find category or subcategory.Modal is using built-in custom scripts and is fit to any device screen.Next-level monetization and advertisement optionsTeam put a lot of effort to maximize options to monetize classifieds via banners, google adsense and other forms of banner advertisement. Theme comes with 16 predefined banner spaces those are optimized to differente banner sizes.Intuitive contact seller box on listing pageIt has never been easier to contact item owner, Delta theme comes with intuitive, easy to find contact box with pre-filled information and question.Seller profile on listing pageIn order to maximize registration rate and provide benefits to registered users, seller profile box is shown on ad page with different information about seller.Modern avatar uploader with crop and resize featuresDelta has adopted profile picture uploader from osclass 4.x and provides best experience for users to upload their avatars. Do not have osclass 4.x? No problem, Profile Picture plugin is delivered with theme and provides alternative way to upload avatars, so you do not loose any functionality!Mobile optimizedThis decade is about mobile devices, so our themes are usually optimized to be used on all different kind of devices. Delta theme is full responsive, that means it adjust to any screen size, starting with 320px.RTL readyDevelopers has cooperated with native speakers to bring real RTL experience into Delta osclass theme. Just add your own language and if it's RTL one, theme will identify this and completely change layout of theme elements to match website standards of arabic countries. RTL styling is applied also on many OsclassPoint plugins.Demo contains multiple locales so you can test how it works with different languages (only osclass wording is translated, theme does not contain translations at all) - Japan, Thai, China, Russia, Arabic, Persian and more!Plugins delivered with themeSeveral plugins are delivered with theme, even theme is already prepared for fluent integration of most of osclass plugins.Once you install theme, you may download plugins from theme settings > plugins page. These plugins can be downloaded at OsclassPoint separately as well (in order to get latest version).noCaptcha RecaptchaCar attributesJob attributesReal-Estate attributesProfile pictureQR code"Install & Go" pluginsAll OsclassPoint plugins were tested with theme, however there are several with special functionality that are deeply pre-integrated in theme and does not require any theme modifications to use them.These plugins are premium and are not delivered with theme (must be purchased separately).Business Profile Plugin - scrollable company list on home page, icon in headerOsclass Blog and News Plugin - scrollable blog widget on home page, icon in headerFavorite Items Plugin - save to favorite button, icon in header, favorite items in user accountOnline chat - preintegrated chat button on item page with status as wellInstant messenger - mobile menu top bar icon, contact seller buttonFacebook & Google login - login buttons on sign in / up pagesOpenStreetMaps - generates map on listing page File Information Submitter master Submitted 11/29/2024 Category Themes View File
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