Perfex CRM is self hosted Customer Relationship Management software that is a great fit for almost any company, freelancer or many other uses. With its clean and modern design, Perfex CRMcan help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time
List of Addons and Themes for Perfex:
All-In-One Support Module for Perfex
Appointly Perfex CRM Appointments
Assets Management Module for Perfex CRM
Bitpay Payment Gateway for Perfex CRM
Call Log Module for Perfex CRM
Cashfree Payment Gateway Module for Perfex CRM
Client App for Perfex CRM
Coinbase Crypto Payment Gateway for Perfex CRM
Custom Data Tables for Perfex CRM
Customer Loyalty and Memberships for Perfex CRM
Custom JavaScript Module for Perfex
Custom SMS Email Notifications for Perfex
Custom Task Filters Module for Perfex CRM
Diagramy: A Complete Diagram Editor for Perfex CRM
Drag and Drop Perfex CRM Email Builder
Elite Custom JS and CSS Module for Perfex CRM
Export Customer Details KYC Compliance Module for Perfex CRM
Facebook Leads Integration Sync Module for Perfex CRM
File Sharing for Perfex CRM
Financial Control Professional Expenses Weboox
Flat Admin Theme for Perfex CRM
GoCardless Payment Gateway for Perfex CRM
HR Records for Perfex CRM
Human Resources Management HR Module for Perfex CRM
Imabotmail Accounting and Bookkeeping for Perfex CRM
ImportSync CSV Mapping for Perfex CRM
Inventory Management for Perfex CRM
Lead Follow-Up Scheduler Module for Perfex CRM
Lead Manager for Perfex Module
Mailbox Webmail Client for Perfex CRM
Mailchimp Module for Perfex CRM
Mailflow Customers Leads Newsletter for Perfex CRM
Manufacturing Management for Perfex CRM
Marketing Automation Module for Perfex CRM
Mention and Tag for Perfex CRM
Mindmap Module for Perfex CRM
Multipage Web-to-Lead Form Module
OKRs Objectives and Key Results for Perfex CRM
Omni-Channel Sales for Perfex CRM
Paystack Payment Gateway for Perfex CRM
Perfex AIWriter: OpenAI Base Content Generator
Perfex Android App: Lead Management App
Perfex CRM Addon for Teleman Telemarketing Application
Perfex CRM Admin Light Theme
Perfex CRM and TelegramBot
Perfex CRM and TelegramBot Chat Module
Perfex CRM Arabic Language Translation
Perfex CRM Chat Tickets App for Support Board
Perfex CRM Customer Feedback Module
Perfex CRM Dark Theme
Perfex CRM Employee Chat
Perfex CRM Flat Theme
Perfex CRM Office Theme
Perfex CRM SaaS Module
Perfex Dashboard: Dashboard Builder for Perfex CRM
Perfex Mercadopago
Perfex Mod: Advanced Task Manager
Perfex Mod: Automation Manager
Perfex Mod: Custom Links
Perfex Mod: Language Translations
Perfex Shop: Ecommerce Module for Perfex CRM
PerfexWiki: Internal Knowledge for Perfex CRM
Perfex Zillapage
Perfex Zoom Meeting Module
PerfShield: The Powerful Security Toolset for Perfex CRM
Project Roadmap: Advanced Reporting for Perfex CRM Projects
PublishX: AI-Powered CMS for Perfex CRM
Purchase Management for Perfex CRM
Pushover: Instant Support Notifications for Perfex CRM
QR Code Addon Module for Perfex CRM
Quickbooks Online Module for Perfex CRM
Razorpay Payment Gateway for Perfex CRM
Recruitment Management for Perfex CRM
Reminder Module for Perfex CRM
ReportPlus: Effortless Automated Reporting Module for Perfex CRM
Rest API for Perfex CRM
Rest API for Perfex Customers
SaaS Module for Perfex CRM Multitenancy Support
Sales Commission Program for Perfex CRM
SendinBlue SMS Notification Module for Perfex CRM
Shopier Payment Gateway for Perfex CRM
Spreadsheet Online for Perfex CRM
Staff Workload for Perfex CRM
Subscription as Products for Perfex CRM
Supplier Management Module for Perfex CRM
Task Filters Module for Perfex CRM
Tasks Bookmark Module for Perfex CRM
Team Password for Perfex CRM
Timesheets and Leave Management for Perfex CRM
TurnCRM: Perfex CRM SaaS Module
Ultimate Dark Theme for Perfex CRM
Ultimate Purple Theme for Perfex CRM
Webhooks Module for Perfex CRM
Weboox: Convert Perfex CRM to App Android
Weboox: Convert Perfex CRM to App Windows
Weboox Plugin: Gerencianet para Perfex CRM API
Weboox Pro Theme for Perfex CRM
WhatsApp Cloud API Business Integration Module for Perfex CRM
WhatsApp Module for Perfex CRM
Whiteboard Module for Perfex CRM
WooCommerce Module for Perfex CRM
Wordfex for Perfex CRM
Accounting and Bookkeeping for Perfex CRM
Account Planning Module for Perfex CRM
Addon SMS Manager Module for Perfex CRM
Advanced Email System for Perfex CRM
Advanced Lead Filters Module for Perfex CRM
Advanced To-Do Manager Module for Perfex CRM
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